Meibomian Gland Expression

at Hashemi Eye Care

At Hashemi Eye Care, we frequently perform Meibomian Gland Expression, an in-office treatment that helps relieve symptoms of Dry Eye Disease and Blepharitis. This non-invasive procedure plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the Meibomian glands, which are essential for producing the oils that keep your eyes properly lubricated.

What Is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)?

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) occurs when the glands in your eyelids fail to produce enough oil (meibum) or when the oil they do produce is of poor quality. This leads to rapid evaporation of the tear film, one of the primary causes of Dry Eye Disease. When left untreated, MGD can cause chronic discomfort, vision issues, and eventual gland damage.

The risk of MGD increases with age, affecting those over 40 more commonly than younger patients. In addition to dry eyes, MGD is often associated with Blepharitis, a condition where the eyelids become inflamed, causing discomfort and redness. These two conditions often coexist and may require combined treatment.

Meibomian Gland Expression: Diagnosis and Treatment

Meibomian Gland Expression is both a diagnostic tool and a treatment for MGD and blepharitis. During the procedure, a doctor will apply gentle pressure to your eyelids to "express" or squeeze out the oil trapped in the Meibomian glands. This allows your eye care provider to assess the quality and consistency of the oil and to detect any blockages in the glands.

In addition to diagnosing MGD, the procedure also works to treat the condition by helping to unclog the glands, allowing them to function more effectively. Many patients experience immediate relief from symptoms like dryness, burning, and irritation.

How Does Meibomian Gland Expression Work?

The procedure is straightforward and typically performed in our office. Here's what to expect:

  1. Preparation: Before the procedure, a numbing drop may be applied to the eyes to minimize any discomfort.

  2. Expression: The doctor uses specialized instruments, such as the Mastrota paddle or a cotton-tip applicator, to gently compress the upper and lower eyelids. The instrument is placed inside the eyelid, parallel to the Meibomian glands, while light pressure is applied to the outer eyelid. This squeezes out the oil, helping to remove blockages and restore normal gland function.

  3. Post-Treatment Care: After the expression, you may be advised to use warm compresses, lid scrubs, or medicated eye drops like Cequa, Restasis, or Xiidra to further relieve symptoms and maintain gland health.

Conditions Treated with Meibomian Gland Expression

While Meibomian Gland Expression is most commonly used to treat Dry Eye Disease, it is also an effective therapy for Blepharitis and Chalazion, conditions that result from the blockage of the Meibomian glands. Blepharitis causes inflammation and crusting of the eyelids, while a chalazion is a painless lump formed when a gland becomes chronically blocked. Expression of these glands is an essential part of the treatment plan for both conditions, as it helps to unblock the glands and restore proper oil flow.

By restoring the natural flow of oils into the tear film, this procedure helps reduce both the discomfort and inflammation caused by these conditions. Regular Meibomian Gland expression, along with proper eyelid hygiene, can prevent the recurrence of symptoms and help maintain long-term eye health.

Benefits of Meibomian Gland Expression

  • Improves Tear Quality: By unblocking the Meibomian glands, the oil layer of the tear film is restored, preventing tear evaporation and reducing dry eye symptoms.

  • Immediate Relief: Patients often feel relief from irritation, dryness, and burning after the procedure.

  • Non-Invasive: The procedure is simple, painless, and performed in the office with no downtime required.

  • Prevents Long-Term Damage: Regular treatment can prevent permanent gland dysfunction, reducing the risk of chronic dry eye or blepharitis.

Complementary Treatments

For patients with more severe symptoms or chronic cases of Dry Eye Disease or Blepharitis, additional treatments may be recommended, including:

  • Medicated Eye Drops: Anti-inflammatory drops like Loteprednol etabonate or Eysuvis may be prescribed to manage inflammation.

  • Warm Compresses and Lid Hygiene: Warm compresses followed by lid scrubs can help maintain clean and functioning Meibomian glands between expressions.

  • Advanced Thermal Treatments: Procedures like LipiFlow® thermal pulsation may also be suggested to help maintain gland health by applying heat and pressure to the eyelids.

Who Should Consider Meibomian Gland Expression?

If you experience chronic dry eye symptoms, eyelid irritation, or symptoms of blepharitis, you may be a good candidate for Meibomian Gland Expression. Early diagnosis and treatment of MGD can prevent more serious issues and improve your quality of life.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re experiencing symptoms of Dry Eye Disease or Blepharitis, contact us to schedule an evaluation and see if Meibomian Gland Expression is the right treatment for you. You can learn more about other treatments on our Dry Eye and Blepharitis pages.

External Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)?
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) occurs when the glands in your eyelids don’t produce enough oil or the oil becomes clogged. This disrupts tear production, leading to dry eye symptoms and affecting overall eye health.

How do I know if I need Meibomian Gland Expression?
If you’re experiencing symptoms like dry eyes, irritation, burning, or inflammation, you may have MGD. Your eye doctor may recommend Meibomian Gland Expression (MGE) after a thorough examination.

Is Meibomian Gland Expression Painful?
The procedure is generally painless. Numbing drops are applied to your eyes beforehand, so most patients experience little to no discomfort.

How long does the procedure take?
A typical MGE session lasts about 10 to 15 minutes. Depending on the severity of your condition, multiple sessions may be necessary.

Will I see immediate improvement after the procedure?
Some patients experience relief right away, but it may take a few days for symptoms to improve. The full effect of the treatment can vary depending on the severity of MGD.

How often do I need to have Meibomian Gland Expression done?
The frequency of treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms. Some patients may require the procedure every few months, while others benefit from more regular treatments.

What can I do at home to maintain gland health between treatments?
To maintain gland health, use warm compresses regularly, practice good eyelid hygiene, and follow any prescribed treatments, such as medicated eye drops for dry eye or blepharitis. Learn more about healthy habits on our eye health page.

What are the risks or side effects of Meibomian Gland Expression?
MGE is generally safe, but some patients may experience minor side effects like irritation, swelling, or temporary redness. These symptoms usually resolve quickly.

Can this procedure cure my Dry Eye Disease or Blepharitis?
Meibomian Gland Expression is a management tool, not a cure. It helps relieve symptoms, but ongoing treatment and maintenance may be necessary to manage Dry Eye Disease or Blepharitis.

Are there any conditions where I shouldn’t undergo Meibomian Gland Expression?
MGE may not be suitable if you have an active eye infection or severe eyelid inflammation. Your eye doctor will assess your condition to determine if the procedure is appropriate.

What should I avoid doing after the procedure?
After MGE, avoid rubbing your eyes, applying eye makeup, swimming, or exposing your eyes to irritants for at least 24 hours to ensure proper healing.

Will my insurance cover Meibomian Gland Expression?
Insurance coverage for MGE varies. While some plans may cover it as a treatment for MGD or blepharitis, others may consider it an out-of-pocket expense. Check with your insurance provider for details.

How can I schedule a consultation or treatment?
You can schedule a consultation or treatment by contacting our office. Be prepared to discuss any symptoms and medical history with your doctor.